Sunday, April 5, 2009

Healthy Pumpkin muffins

My wife found a recipe on a website (not sure which one) that was dedicated to cooking with honey.  She's an awesome researcher!  She uses honey as a replacement for sugar, whole wheat pastry flower and pumpkin puree.  These things are so good that I could easily chow down on a half-dozen.  That might not be advisable though because these muffins are packed with fiber.  Hard to believe it could be so loaded with nutrients and fiber when it smells so wonderful and tastes so light and fluffy.  How can this actually be good for me?! 

It doesn't take too long to make and is absolutely worth the effort.  Easy for me to say, of course, because my wife always makes it.  I just look on and pace nervously as they cook in the oven.  I don't enjoy waiting.  I am the cook and she is the baker - it is a very good balance.  Cooking rewards the curious whereas baking is much more demanding and precise.  Definitely not my strong suit.  

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